Thursday, November 19, 2009

28 wks down!

He really is just all out there isn't he? lol

Another week down and another month gone by. I am now starting my 3rd trimester, on the down slope. Went to the Doctor yesterday and things must be going really well because he didnt have much to say, I am so grateful that things are going so well.
I had both Tage and Savanna via C-section and this baby will be brought into the world the same way, but the doctor keeps talking about feeling some early contractions and possibly going into labor. Its a little difficult for me to even think about feeling any contraction of any kind. I never did with the first two...even being induced with Tage I never felt anything. I am sure every pregnancy is different so I suppose until this baby is born I better just take one day at a time and not think I KNOW everything.

At any rate, the baby is doing good...moving just as he should and already dislikes the doctor, he kept kicking at him while he was trying to hear the heart beat. We did get to hear his heart beat and it sounds perfect.

ONLY 12 more weeks!!! Seems crazy, but we are all sooooo excited to get him here.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Oh My Goodness!!!! What fun the snow can be when you are a child!!! As much as I don't like the cold weather and the wet ground all season long, this is what makes it all worth while.....seeing your kids have a BLAST!!!

Paul and Becca came up for the weekend, (now living in St. George, they don't see much of any snow) we couldn't get the kids together fast enough so they could play in the snow. This being pretty much the first snow to stick around for them to play in I gave in and let them run around until their little fingers were frozen.

Of course we had had snow ball fights before, but never had we made snowmen. And who else would be out there with them than myself :) and yes, I admit I had fun out in the snow with them.
I showed them how to start a small snow ball and then roll it on the ground in the snow to make an even bigger snow ball, they were amazed, to say the least. They all caught on pretty quickly with a little help.....and as you can see they made a family of snowmen. They however, weren't very interested with dressing them up, just rolling HUGE balls of snow.
There was also just some playing in the snow too.

Their snowmen masterpieces

Much of the time we found Cason (the kids' cousin) sitting and eating/licking snow... haha

Banna rolling a snow ball

Tage rolling a snow ball

This still cracks me up when I look at this picture. Tage, on purpose mind you, thought it would be fun to push snow into his face...not knowing the consequence of getting snow caught up inside his nose. Look really closely.

The three... L to R Banna, Tage and Cason
Playing in the snow.

After a while of fun and the excitement wore off, the kids came in....cold, wet and with red noses. Nothing a good cup of Hot Cocoa wouldn't fix.... it sure was yummy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Update

I don't have any pics to post this time because I seemed to have misplaced my camera.
There were a few Halloween pictures on there that we loved.

We carved pumpkins for the first time this year and it just might have been the last. Tage and Savanna didn't want anything to do with cleaning the "yuck" out of the pumpkins. It was quite comical watching their faces. Can we say squirmy??
Bart and I ended up cleaning them out and finishing them off. They turned out pretty good for our first time.
Trick-or-Treating was fun with the kids too. Tage is the biggest WHIMP! lol.... I know that is not nice to say as his mom but it is the truth. He is scared of his own shadow I swear! As we were walking from house to house, visiting friends, we came to sweet Mona Peterson's house......She was dressed up as a witch sitting out on her porch. She looked awesome!! Of course Tage being Tage he hid behind me as we walked up.... Little Miss Banna is a trooper and not afraid of ANYTHING, she walked right up and started talking to Mona. Savanna even got candy for Tage, who finally went up after he decided she was a friendly witch. We got a great pic of the whole thing.

For a pregnancy update...
As of today I am 27 wks and 2 days. Which means I only have about 13 wks left!!!!!!
Seriously, that doesn't seem like a whole lot of time left. Seems like I still have a whole lot to do.
This past week I haven't been feeling the greatest, really tired and a little more nausea AGAIN...I wasn't happy. Today so far is a lot better day, although, I am keeping my fingers crossed because you really never know.
The baby is doing good, moving a lot....just the other day I was sitting and watching him move all around. Speaking of the baby moving, he is at this very moment :)
I go back to the Doctor next week, another month and week down.
I will post a pic next week of the baby bump.