Thursday, November 19, 2009

28 wks down!

He really is just all out there isn't he? lol

Another week down and another month gone by. I am now starting my 3rd trimester, on the down slope. Went to the Doctor yesterday and things must be going really well because he didnt have much to say, I am so grateful that things are going so well.
I had both Tage and Savanna via C-section and this baby will be brought into the world the same way, but the doctor keeps talking about feeling some early contractions and possibly going into labor. Its a little difficult for me to even think about feeling any contraction of any kind. I never did with the first two...even being induced with Tage I never felt anything. I am sure every pregnancy is different so I suppose until this baby is born I better just take one day at a time and not think I KNOW everything.

At any rate, the baby is doing good...moving just as he should and already dislikes the doctor, he kept kicking at him while he was trying to hear the heart beat. We did get to hear his heart beat and it sounds perfect.

ONLY 12 more weeks!!! Seems crazy, but we are all sooooo excited to get him here.


Tyson & Bridget Snedeger said...

Wow Ivy it goes by fast huh...your belly is so cute!!! you have 12 weeks left and my little Chloe is just about 12 weeks old, it goes by WAY to fast. Enjoy it especially if it is your last I know I will be missing the prego belly days for me and the tiny baby in the house...then when they have to grow so fast you just dont get enough time to really enjoy it.

Teri said...

I soo wish I only had twelve weeks to go instead of only being twelves weeks and having 28 more to go-argh!

French Family said...

I cannot believe it's only TWELVE WEEKS LEFT!! How quickly time flies! It probably doesn't feel that way to you lol. Once again, such a cute tummy :)