Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Update

I don't have any pics to post this time because I seemed to have misplaced my camera.
There were a few Halloween pictures on there that we loved.

We carved pumpkins for the first time this year and it just might have been the last. Tage and Savanna didn't want anything to do with cleaning the "yuck" out of the pumpkins. It was quite comical watching their faces. Can we say squirmy??
Bart and I ended up cleaning them out and finishing them off. They turned out pretty good for our first time.
Trick-or-Treating was fun with the kids too. Tage is the biggest WHIMP! lol.... I know that is not nice to say as his mom but it is the truth. He is scared of his own shadow I swear! As we were walking from house to house, visiting friends, we came to sweet Mona Peterson's house......She was dressed up as a witch sitting out on her porch. She looked awesome!! Of course Tage being Tage he hid behind me as we walked up.... Little Miss Banna is a trooper and not afraid of ANYTHING, she walked right up and started talking to Mona. Savanna even got candy for Tage, who finally went up after he decided she was a friendly witch. We got a great pic of the whole thing.

For a pregnancy update...
As of today I am 27 wks and 2 days. Which means I only have about 13 wks left!!!!!!
Seriously, that doesn't seem like a whole lot of time left. Seems like I still have a whole lot to do.
This past week I haven't been feeling the greatest, really tired and a little more nausea AGAIN...I wasn't happy. Today so far is a lot better day, although, I am keeping my fingers crossed because you really never know.
The baby is doing good, moving a lot....just the other day I was sitting and watching him move all around. Speaking of the baby moving, he is at this very moment :)
I go back to the Doctor next week, another month and week down.
I will post a pic next week of the baby bump.


The Damron's said...

Tage is so funny. I can remember when I try to throw him in the air, he doesnt want anything to do with that. We miss you guys and can't wait to see ya. Paul and the gang.

Tyson & Bridget Snedeger said...

Thats how it is for my kids, Dylan is scared of everything...yes still at 8 and Madison has NO fear which scares me!!! But how fun it is to raise them and see the differances, and so far Chloe is following in her sisters footsteps bossy and demanding... she goes from calm to screaming in a matter of seconds if i don't just read her mind and give her what she wants right when she wants it!!!