Thursday, March 4, 2010

Another Week....

Week 5...yes thats right, I said week 5!!
I can hardly believe it, partially because it has gone by so fast and I am sleep deprived and all the days seem to mesh together. But hey, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the whole wide world, being a mom is a great joy to these 3 rug rats pictured.
So, as I was saying...5 weeks, even 1 week makes a big difference. They do grow sooo fast its crazy.

We've started cooing....Oh My Gosh!!! it is the cutest!

Just tonight I got this picture of the three kids before T and Banna headed to bed.
Tage really is in love with his little brother. He always wants to hold Boston, and talks to him so cute while he is. Tells him that its okay when he gets fussy and kisses his is really precious. I hope that their bond continues to grow as they grow. As for Savanna, she does love Boston too...always wanting to give him hugs and kisses. She likes it when he is awake so she can talk to him.
Just a cute moment between Banna and Boston, they laid there and talked, kissed...just cute brother/sister stuff for quite some time.

Here are a few of the crafty things I have been doing (sorry the lighting isn't the greatest) I saw them on Controlling My Chaos I thought, "wow, cute and simple." So I tried my hand at them. I quite like them :)

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